The Ultimate Guide to Creating Business Cards that Actually Help you Win More Business Part 02

If you’ve read part one of this blog series, you will know that once the interaction is understood from a sales standpoint, the design process can be re-prioritised.

Bold “Can the logo be bigger?”

This question is asked of designers so often that that has become something of an industry joke. Good designers understand that a well-designed logo is a good thing, but it won’t be the difference between an effective sales process and losing a contact. The design itself should echo the intention of the person delivering it, and the psychology of prospects and suppliers. Understanding what action you want them to take is a precursor to creating a business card that assists in that journey.

Throughout this part of the design process, you should have an appreciation of the various elements and attributes of a business card.

– There is limited real estate

– There is no such thing as negative space – white is seen as a colour by most people

– More expensive is not necessarily better

– the front of the card is whichever side the other person is looking at

There is Limited real estate when designing business cards

Understanding the limitations of a business card assists in prioritisation. Perhaps make a list of all the elements you want present on the card, and then remove everything that is not necessary. Then, prioritise everything that is left. Don’t assume anything – job titles are sometimes important, and sometimes not. Your company address may be irrelevant to regional employees or if your business which is entirely online.

Priority should be given to the elements which add direct value to the person receiving the card. (bold)

There is no such thing as negative space – white is seen as a colour by most people

If you see a card that has black printing on a plain white card, you don’t see negative space – you see white. This may seem unimportant, but from a design standpoint, realise that everything on the card is important, even the absence of something. If your company colours are black and white, or if you have a call to action in a vibrant colour and wanted to stand out, then great. But understand that even by saying nothing, you are saying something – make sure that is what you are trying to say.

By | 2018-03-07T10:09:38+10:00 March 28th, 2018|Design, Printing, Sales|0 Comments